About Us
2022 Board of Directors:
Julia Crawford-President
Linda Vinson-Vice President
Cheyenne Myer-Secretary
Sue Fruechte-Treasurer
Jenny Burg, Amy Redepenning & Kristin Everson- Board Members
Contact Information:

AKC Outstanding
Sportsmanship Award
In the American Kennel Club's ongoing efforts to recognize and celebrate its volunteer club members, the AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship Award program was established in 2006 to provide each member club with an AKC Medallion to award to one of its own on a yearly basis.
This award honors those individuals who deserve special recognition that has made a difference in the sport of purebred dogs, embodied the AKC Code of Sportsmanship, and have been an active and valued member of an AKC member club.
Recipients of the AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship Award
2022 - Kristin Everson
2021 - Cheyenne Myer
2020 - Sue Fruechte
2019-Cheyenne Nagle
2018-Tracy Harper
2017-Gail Flynn
2016- Reed Pomeroy
2015- Julia Crawford-Ingvalson
2014- Mary Offerman
2013- Jean Shepherd